Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Just take those old records off the shelf

My music taste probably isn’t what you would expect.  Upon entering my bedroom, you’ll two Led Zeppelin posters, one Queen poster, a U2 poster, Jimi Hendrix, and two framed Rolling Stone covers, one with Bruce Springsteen and one with Bruce, Bono, and Mick Jagger lined up.  Ask me anything classic-rock related, and I’ll probably know the answer.  If I had to pick my Top 5 favorites, it would go in this order: Queen, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Journey, and AC/DC.  I don’t even like this list because there are so many great artists I’m excluding from that list.  Can I pick a top 100?

Seeing how all my favorite bands are either broken up, dead, or on their way there, I have to use every opportunity I can to see them when they go on tour, right now.  I’ve been to a number of concerts, and they’ve all been fun, but the ones that have truly left an impact on me are the older, legendary bands.  I have seen Billy Joel and Elton John perform together, front row.  This no doubt counts as one of the greatest nights of my life.  I’ve seen U2 and been mesmerized, I saw the Eagles and was blown away, and I recently spent all my money on floor seats to the Bruce Springsteen concert.  I left that concert more in love with Bruce than I already was before.  I’m also the youngest person at every show I go to.

My parents didn’t introduce me to their generation of music, I actually got into it on my own.  It all started with Queen, who will always continue to remain my favorite band.  There is no more magical mix of talents that comes from the four group members.  Freddie Mercury was a performer like no other, and a timeless legend.  There is rock, pop, hip-hop, and all those music genres, and then there is Queen, a genre of its own.  Queen is the source of my love and appreciation for classic rock, old yet timeless pieces of music, that nothing on the radio today can even come close to.

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