Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Date My School

Have you ever noticed how when you are dating that men seem to be more interested in you? And how when you're single all of the men in the world miraculously disappear? It's amazing really.

In todays day and age we are all so obsessed with our phones and lap tops that we don't interact with people. There is no more meet cutes, there is facebook stalking and drunken bravery. In the days of our parents people would meet, have conversation, come to the door to pick up a date. As a person just getting into the adult world of dating it seems that none of the things I had been built to believe exist do.

My grandparents grew up in northern Washington state, around lakes and trees and farms. One day when my grandfather was on the lake with his friends he saw my grandmother with her friends on the shore and said "You see her? I'm gonna marry her some day." And he did.

My parents met in a singles group at a church in Scottsdale. My mom was a wild child, and my dad was pretty quiet. She thought he was a bit of a goody good, but he knew that he was going to marry her someday. He finally asked her on a date and she accepted, but though they had a nice time he didn't ask her out again. She couldn't understand why. What she didn't know was that my dad was already falling in love with her, he decided to step back and just observe, he felt that God would give him the right timing. Little did he know God was calling my mom across the world.

She moved to Spain and joined a ministry in Alcala, a little town outside of Madrid. She was working for a pastor when my dad wrote and said he wanted to come and visit. She said yes, and he got on a plane diamond in pocket. But poor thing, upon his arrival she friend zoned him before they even left the air port. He stayed the length of his trip, and even though they had fun he was heart broken.

By the time he got home he felt maybe he had been wrong, and started seeing someone else. All the while my mom began to realize that she made a huge mistake. She wrote and wrote and he didn't answer. She came back for Christmas and before long she convinced him of her true feelings and they got engaged.

They had the chase, the romance, the story. Today we have dating sites and parties. Is it so wrong to want to be swept off my feet? To want someone to see me across a room and think "I'm gonna marry that girl"?

Maybe I've watched too many Disney movies, but I will always believe that there is a prince to my damsel in distress. I will always believe in Happily Ever After.


  1. If only things were like the past; the days of your grandparents. "Dating" has changed to a mumbo jumbo of confusing terms and definitions and technology has ruined the fun of showing up on someone's doorstep or writing letters to an old friend. If only. I wish to be swept off my feet as well.

    1. Right?? Our generation has lost touch with the romantic. We'll get there eventually!
