Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fear O' Potty?

I have always had an illegitimate (or maybe overly legitimate) fear of port o' potties. Aside from the germs and not knowing who, what, or when previous occupants deposited the remnants of their lunches or drunken burrito consumption into the deep pit, there is something mysterious about the awkwardly fake cherry scent and the topsy-turvy look of the typical blue structure that has always bothered me. Maybe I have watched too many “Jackass”-like shows and feel as though the second I walk into one will be the second before a friend knocks it on its side. I truly cannot put my finger on it, but there is something about being contained in a plastic rectangle, mere centimeters away from the public eye, and trying to complete a rather private task that I can’t seem to shake. Also, the unknown of enough toilet paper being left on the roll or the potentially missing hand sanitization once the task is behind you is too large of a risk for me to gamble. They may be useful when you are stuck at a fair or on the run, but it would honestly take a large dose of convincing and coercing to get me to step foot in a port o’ potty on my own will.



  1. Wow your blog is so funny and it is also so relatable! I also hate port o' potties, I find them repulsive and to this day I have never been inside one. I even have to hold my breathe when I walk by one, the entire idea of how they work and who uses them just disgusts me. I am kind of a germaphobe and I dont think my thoughts will ever change. I like how you incorporated the t.v. show, "jackass" to your blog, because most people know what that show is and have even seen the famous scene. I have never even thought about that gross stunt until I read your blog post, and now that you have put it in my mind, I am even more terrified of these terrible inventions.

  2. I apologize for instilling more fear, but I do promise to notify you of the exact location of "normal" facilities anytime a port o' potty is in sight! They are wretched and I cross my fingers hoping to never need to enter one again.

  3. I used to be terrified of public toilets when I was a little kid. It was probably because of the loud noise. I always had to have my mom flush it for me. haha
