Thursday, January 17, 2013

Typical Conversation with My Guy

(My sweetheart of a nursing student partner interrupts the reading of his takes-him-self too seriously most of the time English major. Just a little snippet of what occurs in my home-life daily--thought I'd share the conversation.)

Babe: (to himself) Whooooaaa cool. (looks over at me) Babe--Look at this!

Me: (nose buried in a book) What? What is that an X-ray?

Babe: No! It's a very thin slice of a frozen human cadaver...

Me: Eww!  Why?

Babe: It's from the same people who do "Body World".

Me: (Nose back in my book)'s still not right.

Babe:  I know babe...I think I'm gonna do that to you if you die first.

Me: No.

Babe:  Mummification?

Me: No.

Babe: Plastination?

Me: Only if you store me in a really fancy case with some cool old books.

Babe: Can I sit you on the couch for cuddles sometimes?

Me: Wha..? Okay...but only once in a while.

Babe:  I want a parrot.

Me: No.

Babe: But, they can talk.

Me: No.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry this is great.

  2. This is like a conversation between myself and myself. I'm not sure what that says about me....Anyway, so funny! Thanks for sharing.
