Saturday, April 6, 2013

Things I've Learned About Drugs

  • ·      Drugs are bad and there is never a good reason for using them.  People do them when they are feeling lost.  They’re illegal and therefore a huge risk.  They’re bad for your body and bad for your mind and your heart.  Don’t do them. – Parents
  • ·      Many adults do partake in drugs.  Of course I’d realized that some adults did drugs but never had I considered that reputable Scottsdalian parents would.  In fact, the largest quantity of weed that I’ve seen in my life was a substantially filled freezer-size zip-lock bag in the garage refrigerator at my friend’s house when we were fifteen.  It belonged to her dad. – Desert Mountain High School
  • ·       If you get sick after taking phencyclidine (PCP) and go to the hospital, you can avoid all blame for having purchased and taken the drug by telling the cops that you had a headache and then obliged when someone said, “Here, take this aspirin.” – Coronado Residence Hall
  • ·      You can fairly readily purchase PCP, ecstasy, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, adderall, booze, and many other substances of the like, while striving towards higher education. – Coronado Residence Hall
  • ·      Stoners will inherently decide to be your friend if you share your drugs with them. – “Friend” of a friend
  • ·      It is possible to be addicted to weed.  Addiction is largely a psychological disorder.  A person who is an addict can make almost anything into an addiction. – A former best friend
  • ·      Maybe weed has never killed anyone but a bad reaction to edibles can knock someone out for a full 24 hours. – Cookie Monster’s evil twin
  • ·      Mushrooms can make a self-proclaimed grown man cry in the back of his car for six hours straight. – A grown ass man(boy)
  • ·      Drugs are bad and there is never a good reason for using them.  People do them when they are feeling lost.  They’re illegal and therefore a huge risk.  They’re bad for your body and bad for your mind and your heart.  Don’t do them. – Me 


  1. I love how you started with your parents' ideals, learned a thing or two, and then resolved in the same ideals that you were originally taught! It's sad that some of that stuff is true.

  2. I really enjoyed reading about this. These are all true lessons that I feel like we all learn, and I liked how you ended it with a sum-up of what you have learned from your experience
